Indiana University Bloomington
IUMSC   Indiana University Molecular Structure Center

Sample Submission


Samples are accepted from crystallographers and researchers associated with academic or government institutions. SCrAPS service may be requested as data collection only or as full structure solution and refinement. Please inquire in advance about supported data formats. We only accept samples that cannot be successfully characterized using lab-source diffraction systems. We may screen samples with apparently large crystal at IUMSC using a Bruker Venture system with microfocus Mo or Cu sources.

Please inquire with us with questions about sample requirements and preparation. Also contact us if you would like to be included in a mailing list through which we regularly inform about upcoming beamtime.


Your Sample Submission Form should briefly explain what steps were taken to characterize the sample, and why the researcher feels that the synchrotron will yield satisfactory results. Any preliminary results should include as well, such as unit cell parameters. Your sample submission form should be sent to Please send your samples to:

  • Department of Chemistry
  • Indiana University
  • 800 E. Kirkwood Ave.
  • Bloomington, IN 47405
  • Please refer to the Sample Preparation & Packing page for tips on how to send your crystals to us.

    Data and/or results will be sent to you as soon as they become available. Data processing after experiment completion may take several days due to the high volume of samples analyzed.

    Publication and Acknowledgments

    We request that in case of publication of results obtained with the SCrAPS program the following paragraph be included in your acknowledgments. Please inform us and ChemMatCARS beamline staff about your publication.

    ”NSF’s ChemMatCARS Sector 15 is supported by the Divisions of Chemistry (CHE) and Materials Research (DMR), National Science Foundation, under grant number NSF/CHE- 1834750. Use of the Advanced Photon Source, an Office of Science User Facility operated for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science by Argonne National Laboratory, was supported by the U.S. DOE under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357.“

    Indiana University Molecular Structure Center. Chemistry, A421, Indiana University, 800 E, Kirkwood Ave., Bloomington, IN 47405-7102, 812.855.6821
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